the promise is waiting for you
The satisfaction you want is not in getting, but becoming.
the God-given formula for finding true satisfaction, fulfillment and success.
listen I get it - you're not where you want to be, nothing's working, you think if you try harder you'll get there faster but that' snot how growth and timing work - you are frustrated and defeated and stuck - trying to take control, getting anxious and spinning - you don't know what to change but you can't keep repeating the same thing - the anger you stay here the worse it gets
- i't shard when you are watching all your friends get married and pregnant and you can't even get a boyfriend
it's hard when you say you want something but every time it gets close you push it away and sabotage it
it's hard when you want what's ahead of you but you can't let go of the idea in your find - fantasy over reality
- its hard to go to Christmas parties and holiday dinners alone with all the questions, in your head, trying to flirt
- it's hard to want to get to the next chapter but you can't seem to force it
- you keep distracting yourself, staying busy, running all around town to seem social and fun and popular but it's not getting you anywhere, just wasting time and energy
- you feel like the clock is ticking and you haven't even gotten started - you're faith and patience are being tested - you are losing hope
healing starts with facing reality.
attention is a form of love
behavior change is the answer
connection is love
- Relationship - believe made for the Lord - FAITH - know who you are and what your design in - the purpose and intention for life - confidence in how things work - the way
- Health - whole - LOVE - you will have freedom from bondage and peace in your mind and heart - you will trust and yield - healed and transformed from the inside out - the truth
- Wealth - fulfilled - HOPE - you will have the patience and strength and endure and bear and suffer gladly knowing that results are in growth and progress - the life
the butterfly within
this is my solution - God's system - the only way to have success, wealth, gain, fulfillment, satisfaction, fruit is to be filled, full healthy - and the only way to be healthy, whole, healed, sound balanced, is to be in our original design which is love relationships - the only way to have a proper perspective of others is to have one of self which is to have one of God. so we start there
did you know that wealth means enough. resource - connect to source
strength valor virtue - chayil- which can mean to twist, whirl, dance, writhe, or travail - spirit, ability, power, vigor - ON, light (phos) - to be or become light, shine
mamas - mammon - It represents the pursuit of wealth as an object of worship or trust, in contrast to serving God. wealth can become a master that demands allegiance, competing with God for one's devotion. - the treasure a person trusts IN
The term "timiotés" refers to the concept of honor or value, often in the sense of something being precious or held in high esteem. It conveys the idea of intrinsic worth and is used to describe the quality of being honorable or esteemed.
that brand of wealth which has overwhelming value in the eyes of the beholder (incredibly, personally esteemed) - only value bc we give it value
979 bíos – properly, God's gift of physical life, animating all creation "to live and move and have its being" (cf. Ac 17:28); (figuratively) the way a person invests (or spends) the gift of physical life.
Change is scary...
... but so is staying the same.

2024's Biggest Epidemic is
Mental Health
1. People are distracted, running from healing, emotions, beliefs
2. People do not know their worth, identity or purpose
3. People feel rejected, misunderstood
4. There is no hope
5. Self-help isn't working
Help people heal with Biblical truth
- what is healing? what do we believe? what do we feel? how do we change our bad habits? what is our identity? what is our purpose?
An 8-week WHOLEHEARTED transformation PROGRAM to new life
Module 1
Are you ready?
Choice - Growth - Aim
Module 2
Made for more
Identity - Purpose - Awareness
Module 3
Insatiable soul
Pleasure - Escapism - Void
Module 4
Free your mind
Inner Battle - Truth - Belief

Module 5
Rooted in love
Healed - Whole - Accepted
Module 6
All In - Priority - Dissonance
Module 7
Bearing fruit
Endurance - Training - Overflow
Module 8
next steps
Breakthrough - Power - Otherside
You want change in your life, but it requires letting go to grow.
It's not trying; it's becoming everything that you already are.
It's inside of you and you have to let it happen.
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Get Unstuck
Determine where you want to go and accept all that comes with it. You don't control the how.

Become self-aware of your false beliefs and how they affect your feelings and choices. To be fruitful you must surrender.

Know Your Worth
Come into agreement with your original design to be fruitful and multiply and stop resisting the progress.

Receive Love
Let yourself be exposed, seen, known and accepted. You are not rejected or judged by God. It's tormenting to have Him love everything unlovable about you.

Stop Running
Fall in love with reality and start hating fantasy. Lies aren't getting you anywhere.
Run toward truth.

Stop Wavering
What you prefer and prioritize is ultimately what you want and love most. It's not a trick. We will know by the good or bad fruit that you bear.
Meet your coach...
To be fit means to be made ready, prepared, suitable to fully meet the requirements of the task ahead. To have the full capacity to reach expectation. It is very closely tied with health. To be healthy is to be healed and made whole. You must be operating completely for the Lord to accomplish through you, achieve through you, finish His work through you. The word that means wholeness, completion and well-being is peace. The only way that we find peace is in the Lord, because it is a fruit of His spirit, an offspring of His power. He is our healer and also our greatest desire, because He is the only thing that satisfies the void and gives us everything we've ever been searching for in the world.
To be balanced means to be regulated. The word for sound mind or sober-minded is to be safe. Just like salvation means that we are delivered out of danger and into safety, our original design is to be balanced, regulated and safe. But balance is an exercise. It's not just about physical fitness, but mental and spiritual fitness, too. We are constantly being tested and proved, whatever is true will be proven, as will whatever is false. We shouldn't be frustrated or fearful of the testing, but more so appreciative that it lets what is false be revealed, so that we do not rely on it. We can pass the tests by our preparedness and readiness. When you seek first the Kingdom and set your sights on the Lord and not on what you produce, you are fit for the Kingdom. You will produce. it's the natural result that is tied to the seed sowing. But don't become consumed with or idolize the fruit itself. Focus on the yielding, on the union with the Lord, the power source and trust that the fruit comes inevitably by design. He accomplishes through us. He has created both success and failure to be a system. Follow Him, taste and see.
Achieving is the process of becoming. The race is finished by running it. The only way out is through. You must transform into the person that arrives at the destination by getting there. You cannot skip the steps necessary, the levels. Genuine advancing creates an aptitude that is able to bear the blessing and bear fruit. Otherwise, the crown will crush you.
We live in a world that is all about accomplishment, success and high-achievement, but do you know what those words actually mean? I'm talking the origin. They mean to go through the necessary process, stages to come to an end results. Even to acquire means to seek, to learn and develop. So we are going to transform through personal development, self-awareness and the principles of truth. You will become what consumes you, so let' make sure it's beneficial and fruitful. You are going to become the results rather than making a wish list. You are going to become fit.

everything you want is on the
other side of yourself
who is this for:
- if you don't want to waste another day stuck
- if you aren't getting results and need to try a new way
- if you are ready to become the person necessary
- if you can't let go, don't know where to begin
- don't know where to go, but need to get somewhere new

Do you want to be healed?
- Jesus
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Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
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fit for the kingdom
Our Services

Self - Study $49
- Workbook
- Community
Group Sessions - $497
- LIVE Weekly group sessions
- Workbook
- Video lessons
- Community
- Email Support
Bonus Starter Pack:
* VITA Water Bottle
* Fit For The Kingdom Merch
1x1 Calls - $4997
- 1x1 Weekly calls
- Workbook
- Video Lessons
- Community
- Text and Email Support
Bonus Starter Pack:
* VITA Water Bottle
* Fit For The Kingdom Merch
* FREE Tickets to Events


The mind is governed by the spirit or the flesh.
We have tried to heal from the outside in, but it does not satisfy, fulfill or complete us. Instant gratification, rewards and sensual pleasure aren't working.
He has placed eternity in the hearts of man.
We have an intentional void that can only be filled by love, which is spiritual.
The spirit and flesh are in conflict so you cannot do whatever you want.
We have an inner battle, so it's important to know what is true. When we operate from the power of the spirit, the mind aligns and the flesh behaves. If we operate from the flesh, the mind is on a loop and the spirit is neglected.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Transformation happens from the inside out. By being lit up, we become light. We are no longer in darkness, meaning secret, hiding, obscurity, lostness, but we have clarity and direction.
We are grafted back in.
We become available vessel to bear fruit which requires endurance. We must train and stretch our souls to continue growing progressing through stages of maturity.